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How to upload your contacts
How to upload your contacts

There are multiple ways of adding contacts to your account and managing them.

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Written by Support Team
Updated over 8 months ago

Please note that contacts are available only on Marketing plans!

Proper CSV format:

Preparing the appropriate CSV file is essential for a successful upload process. Double-check to ensure that your list has all the correct parameters applied.

CSV file stands for "comma delimited values" which are separated by a comma. The contact list must be preceded by the appropriate contact field "email" - as well as "firstname" and "lastname" - if the data is available - just as in the following example: 

At the minimum the .csv file can simply be a single column of email addresses:


Please note that the .csv file you upload must be provided in UTF-8 encoding format. Ensuring the correct encoding of your file will guarantee that the .csv file is properly recognized and formatted.

Adding contacts - via .CSV file upload

Navigate to your Contacts screen and select "Upload Contacts" from the "Add Contacts" drop down.

  • Confirm your contact's consent:

  • Choose 'Upload contacts from file (zip, csv, json, xml)' and simply drag and drop the .csv file onto the screen.
    The upload tool supports a single .csv file or a .csv list compressed into a .zip file. It is recommended that you keep the file size to a maximum of 25MB.

  • Customize the contact fields.

Make sure there is exactly one field labeled "email". There cannot be multiple contact fields with the same name! The system will auto-detect existing contact fields as well as the "firstname, lastname" fields.

TIP! It is possible to add additional, Custom Contact Fields and personalize your list even further. This feature is available in our PRO Plans.

  • Choose to add the contacts to either an existing static list or create a new static list for the contacts to be added to. This is also the step where you can choose the final status of your uploaded contacts. You can learn more about contact statuses here

    Please note, that larger files may take some time to process.

Adding contacts - via HTTP API and SMTP Relay

Contacts can also be added to the account using our REST API. What's more, all recipients who are sent an email via the API or the SMTP Relay are automatically added to the account as contacts.

Useful tips:

  • Your column names cannot contain spaces. This means that a specific column called "first name" instead of "firstname" will not be accepted by our system!

  • Remember not to add any characters or white spaces to the basic contact fields in the file - email, firstname, lastname. With any extra characters they will not be recognized

  • If you have a Microsoft Excel file, you can save the file to .csv by choosing Save As and choosing the .csv extension.

  • If you are using a Mac computer, you will need to convert the file to CSV before uploading it.

  • List and segment names have a limit of 128 characters

  • When you upload contacts, on the last step, you are provided with information about how many contacts were uploaded as Active, Inactive, Invalid and Unsubscribed and why they were uploaded as such.

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