When sending from Elastic Email, make sure you pick "Other" method in your MailPoet Settings>Send With tab:
This option will allow you to set up your custom SMTP connection. All the information can be found in your SMTP credentials:
server: smtp.elasticemail.com
port: 2525
username: your SMTP username
password: your SMTP username
Authentication: Yes
Secure Connection: TLS
Remember to check if your ports are open when trying to connect with MailPoet.
If you encounter connection issues, you should first try to connect to their server using another port (our default one is 2525 but this one may be blocked by your hosting company).
You can try to use the alternative SMTP configuration:
server: smtp25.elasticemail.com
port: 25
username: your SMTP username
password: your SMTP username
Congratulations! You now have MailPoet configured with Elastic Email. MailPoet recommends you send 100 emails every 5 minutes if this is your first set up. You may increase it after a successful try.